Shipping & Returns

We ship mainly within the United States and Canada. Note that there are restrictions on some products able to ship internationally.  In some instances we will ship to more countries, please contact us to see if we ship to your location.  We primarily ship UPS Ground or FedEx Ground, we offer Next Day delivery, but we DO NOT guarantee the order will ship the same day you order, in some cases orders ship out the next following day.

PLEASE NOTE: If you choose UPS Ground Collect on our website checkout page, please remember to include your UPS Account Number in the Comments section of the page BEFORE clicking the Checkout button.  Any order to ship UPS Ground Collect and we do not have your Account Number, the order will not ship and we will contact you for your account number.  If you forget to add your UPS Account Number, call or email us and we will make sure your order ships collect.

Returns Policy
You may return any new, unopened item(s) within 30 days of purchase for a full refund(minus any shipping charges).  If within 30 days, an item has been opened, and we find no issue with the product, there will be a 10% restock fee(minus any shipping charges) to cover repackaging of the item.  If the item has been opened within 30 days of purchase, and we find the item is defective, there will be no restock fee, and the customer will have the option of a replacement, or a full refund including any shipping charge incurred by the customer to ship the item back to us. Returns after 30 days of purchase will not be accepted nor refunded.  Please contact us for a Return Material Authorization Number(RMA#) BEFORE returning any item to us. We will do a complete inspection of any product returned before we issue a refund.

You should expect to receive your refund within 3 - 5 Business Days after we inspect your return.  We will give an update on the status of the return once we have completed our inspection of the item(s).

If you need to return an item, please contact us with your order number and details about the product(s) you would like to return. We will respond quickly with instructions for how to return items from your order in order to receive an RMA#.

Any item shipped to us without an RMA# issued by SDZ Supply will NOT be refunded or replaced.



A reasonable amount of samples of most items are available. Certain items are not available as samples. Freight charges will not be charged when shipping samples.

Damaged Goods
Although SDZ takes great care to insure that shipments are protected, damage in transit does occasionally occur. To receive credit for damaged product, damage must be noted to the freight carrier driver.  All damaged goods claims must be made within 7 days of purchase.

Minimum Orders
Most products do not have a minimum dollar order unless stated on a particular page. The only minimum we have is by the sellable unit (One bundle or case).